2013 서울시공무원 영어면접 '만능틀'
2013 서울시공무원 영어면접 '만능틀'
  • 법률저널
  • 승인 2013.07.17 02:07
  • 댓글 0
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How much do you know about the Seoul City Hall English Homepage?

면접관이 원하는 답을 주자: 서울시청 홈페이지 활용기 (14)

■ 2013 즉답 형 문제를 중심으로 한 일반적인 인터뷰 준비 사항에 대해 살펴보겠습니다.

What will help you get the interview?

Prepare, prepare, prepare

It may not be entirely possible to anticipate everything you will be asked at the interview, but it always helps to prepare. You will feel much more confident and perform better. Think through your school life or work life and what you might have learnt from these experiences.

Dress for success

The proverbial first impressions do count. You can be suitably stylish to assert your creative flair, but the rule of thumb is to be dressed and groomed neatly and professionally. If you are not sure about what to wear, do check with the person who scheduled the interview. Don’'t forget to wear your smile on that day.

Be early

Show respect for the interviewers and the organizations by being punctual for your interview. Aim to be there at least 15 minutes earlier. This will give you plenty of time to take a breather before the interview proper.

Actions speak as loud as words

Nonverbal communication is just as important as what you say. You will be a picture of confidence if you make eye contact with the interviewers. Listen intently to them and do not interrupt when they are speaking. Sit up straight and stay calm; rest your hands on your

lap if you are not sure what to do with them.

Show them you can

Instead of giving a verbatim rundown of your resume, seize opportunities during the interview to share anecdotes from your experience. Explain how your experience has shaped you as a person and suggest how your skills and attributes will benefit your new position. Stories will help you break the ice and connect with the interviewers, as well as help you stand out from the crowd by revealing your personality, qualifications and problem-solving aptitude. But do be concise even as you convince.

Ask questions

The interview is also a chance for you to find out if the position or the Public Service suits you. Feel free to ask questions about your position and clarify your doubts. The interviewers will appreciate a proactive candidate.

답안 포인트

■ 서울시청 홈페이지 “서울소개” - City Initiatives 참고

(자료출처: 서울시청 홈페이지)

*법률저널 공무원 애독자에게만 드리는 혜택! 아래 주소로 이메일 주시면 무료로 ‘서울시 공무원 영어면접대비’에 필요한 영작을 첨삭해드립니다. (epnue@naver.com 서울시 지원 직종 기입)


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