한국 휴렛팩커드 Legal Counsel (사내 변호사)
한국 휴렛팩커드 Legal Counsel (사내 변호사)
  • 관리자
  • 승인 2021.10.22 09:30
  • 댓글 0
이 기사를 공유합니다

한국 휴렛팩커드 Legal Counsel (사내 변호사)


- 담당업무: 법무 업무 일반 (계약검토, 소송관리, Compliance, 회사업무 관련 법률 관계 자문 등)
- 지원자격: 변호사(경력 4 - 8년)
- 제출서류: i) 국/영문이력서, ii) 국/영문 자기소개서
- 상세 Job Dex-scription (아래 참조)
- 접수기간    2021-10-20 ~ 2021-10-31

Job Dex-scription

Acts as primary legal support to regional and country management, business units, and functions for sales and marketing, distribution, supply chain, and operations.
Provides legal subject matter expertise for commercial, antitrust, employment, pensions, company secretarial, post-acquisition merger and acquisition (M&A), litigation, and local regulatory compliance matters.
Provides institutional knowledge, support, and fiduciary oversight in relation to corporate and local governance standards, policies, processes, and reporting

Education and Experience

- Advanced university degree in Korean law.
- Meets local or foreign legal license requirements.
- 4-8 years commercial legal experience at a law firm or in-house.
- Well-developed level of business experience supporting clients or advising on legal matters.

Knowledge and Skills

- Well-developed breadth of practical legal and business knowledge, as well as in-depth knowledge in one or more practice areas.
- Good knowledge of Korean/regional laws, regulations, policies, and procedures.
- Awareness of international legal environmental law.
- Well-developed competence and experience in negotiating or advising on legal and business matters, or focused competency in particular practice areas. Able to translate complex legal or factual issues into plain language communications.
- Good command of English communication skills required.




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