한국헌법학회 ‘입헌주의와 민주주의’ 국제학술대회
한국헌법학회 ‘입헌주의와 민주주의’ 국제학술대회
  • 이성진 기자
  • 승인 2018.06.18 17:46
  • 댓글 0
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한국헌법학회(회장 고문현, 숭실대 법과대 교수)가 서울지방변호사회의 후원으로 ‘입헌주의와 민주주의’라는 대주제로 국제학술대회를 갖는다.

오는 19일(화) 오후 2시 30분부터 오후 9시까지 프레스센터 목련실에서 열리는 이번 학술대회는 법과 사회 학회(Law and Society Association) 회장인 프린스턴대학교 Kim Lane Scheppele 교수 등 세계적으로 저명한 학자들도 참여한다.

■ 학술대회 내용

Ⅰ. Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Asia

사회 : 강광문 (서울대학교 교수)

3:00pm-3:15pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in China-Jihong Mo(Prof., Faculty of Law, Institute of Law, China Academy of Social Sciences)

3:15pm-3:30pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Taiwan -Wen-Chen, Chang (Prof., Faculty of Law, National Taiwan University, Taiwan)

3:30pm-3:45pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Korea-박인수 (영남대학교 교수, 전 한국공법학회 회장)

Ⅱ. Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Europe

사회 : 최윤철 (건국대학교 교수, 전 한국입법정책학회 회장)

3:45pm-4:00pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Germany-Rainer Anold (Prof., Faculty of Law, University of Regensburg, Germany)

4:00pm-4:15pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Spain-Javier Gracia Roca (Director, Departamento de Derecho Constitucional, Universiad Complutense, Madrid, Spain)

4:15pm-4:30pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Poland-Marek Zubik(Prof., Faculty of Law, University of Warsaw, Poland)

4:30pm-4:45pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Hungary-Kim Lane Scheppele (Prof., Faculty of Sociology, Princeton University, USA; President of Law and Society Association)

4:45pm-5:00pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Italy-Giovanna De Minico(Prof., Faculty of Law, University of Naples Fredico Ⅱ, Italy)

5:00pm-5:15pm Coffee Break

Ⅲ. Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in America and Africa

사회 : 임종훈 (홍익대학교 교수, 한국교육법학회 회장)

5:15pm-5:30pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Brazil-Adriano Pedra (Prof., Faculty of Law, University of Victoria, Brazil)

5:30pm-5:45pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Chile.-Javier Cuoso Salas(Prof., Faculty of Law, Universidad Diego Portales, Chile)

5:45pm-6:00pm Status and Challenge of Constitutionalism and Democracy in Peru- Cesar Landa (Dean, Faculty of Law, Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, Peru)

Ⅳ. 종합토론 (6:00pm-6:30pm )

사회 : 이철우(연세대학교 법학전문대학원 교수, 연세법학연구원장)

Ⅴ. Network Meeting (6:30pm-7:00pm)

Network Meeting for Studies on Comparative Constitutional Law among AAAE(Africa, America, Asia and Europe) Scholars


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